
Friday, 6 July 2007

The Fire in My Condo: How Renters Insurance Saved Me

It was the early morning of November 15, 1998 and I woke to the sound of my intercom buzzer going off. I thought to myself, "who the heck is coming to see me at 5:00 AM?" I couldn't imagine who it could be. After, I heard the sirens and was awake enough to see all the flashing lights outside, I realized this must be serious. I opened the door to the condo that I was renting and smoke filled the hallway and a police officer yelled "get out, there's a fire!"

"WHAT??!! How could that be?" I thought to myself, I wasn't even dressed yet and there wasn't any smoke in my condo. He continued shouting this and I finally drove myself out of sleep mode and into panic mode. What did I need? Clean clothes, money, cell phone, car keys, address book, contact lens? Oh, and can't forget the cat! I collected all of this within seconds, and rushed out the front door, only to look back and see the roof engulfed in flames.

In total disbelief and still watching everything I owned going up in flames, I started making phone calls. I called my boss, because it was obvious I wasn't going to make it into work that day, and I called my parents. After all, I was going to need a place to stay. After ensuring my father I was ok, the first question he asked was "do you have Renters Insurance?" Good question! At that very moment, I had no clue whether or not I paid the bill. I couldn't remember, and I started praying to God that I had, because I was about to need it.

Well, after everything settled down, I did, indeed pay the bill and had Renters Insurance. protection. Everything was covered and I received a hefty check for my losses; not that this compared to some of the items I lost and the dishevel of my life for several weeks after the fire. However, I had come to find out that one of my neighbors did not have Renters Insurance, and had a very valuable comic book collection. He was left with nothing.

In most cases, you can get Renters Insurance for a very reasonable price: an even smaller price to pay if something were to happen. Check out the InsWeb article “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” and the “Frequently Asked Questions About Renters Insurance”. Or, you can go right to the quote process from here. If you’re a renter, or even a homeowner, please take my advice and get adequate insurance protection, you don't want to be in a situation like I was in and not have Renters Insurance.

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