First off let me just say that there is nothing better than a big juicy hamburger, a couple fries, or a thick slice of pepperoni pizza on an empty stomach on any given day that just makes you feel, well fat and happy. In fact I used to eat all of those on a regular basis in high school before a big football game, you know to “carb up” so that I can perform my best. Back in those days I don’t think any of us really cared what we ate, our priorities in life most likely consisted of dating, Friday nights, and loud music. Good times…
The only problem is, I’m not 18 anymore, and my priorities have changed, to family, work, mortgage, gas prices, and sleep. In that order. And thanks to my great eating habits from my adolescents, I have this wonderful thing called “cholesterol” and “blood pressure,” which I’m now supposed to watch. Nah, not this guy, as long as you can fit into your elastic high school gym shorts you’re fine right? I wish! I learned this the hard way when I started to think about Life Insurance, and the needs of my family’s financial security if anything was ever to happen to me (like a clogged artery). So I decided to find out more.
I ended up going to www.insweb.com and finding a rate for Life Insurance. After my agent scheduled me for a medical evaluation, I discovered (much to my dismay) that my cholesterol was high. OK it was really high, which attributed to a higher premium than someone with normal cholesterol levels. But hey, the cholesterol levels of approximately a quarter of the adult population in this country are higher than normal according to the InsWeb article “How Improved Health Affects Your Life Insurance Rates”. In fact there were a lot of key factors I didn’t know about that effects how much money comes out of my wallet due to certain health factors, and what I could do to get a better rate. Once I knew what I was up against, I was determined to lower my cholesterol and my blood pressure. With 3 months of hard work I lost 20 pounds and significantly lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure. Here are some tips for lowering your cholesterol, your blood pressure, your weight and your Life Insurance premium that worked for me.
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